Market breadth index formula
Breadth Indicators. Market Breadth Indicators are powerful technical analysis tools that gauge the direction of the market and help traders determine if it's bullish, bearish or neutral. They do so by analyzing the degree of participation in an advance or a decline to see whether or not an uptrend or downtrend is broad-based Tutoeial about Breadth Thrust technical analysis for nyse and other indexes. How to set Breadth Thrust and other advance/decline indicators on the index charts. Breadth Thrust is availible on our charts for NYSE, Nasdaq 100, Nasdaq Composite and other indexes. Market Breadth Data Notes. We use WSJ/Barron's data for our final breadth numbers. Calculations made on numbers from other sources will show a slightly different result. We wait until late in the day in order to have access to the "final" numbers. This reflects final readings for the indicators covered.